Hi everyone! How’s March going for you so far?In Japan, March is graduation season.In this country, roughly from the age of three to 22, kindergarten, elementary school, junior and senior high school and university all have their graduation ceremonies in March.Graduation is a special occasion when parents attend their children’s graduation ceremony and feel that their children have grown up.Students spend a very emotional time, sadly saying goodbye to friends studied with and celebrating with their families. Japanese ‘cherry blossoms’ bloom at this time of year, so when Japanese people see the flowers, they feel it’s graduation season.Are there any events in March in your country?Our escorts at Tokyo, Osaka and Niseko have had similar experiences, so I hope they will get excited about this topic.There’re many such customs in Japan, which I will post more and more about in this blog.See you soon, MIJ’s ninja, Shinkawa.
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